August 2023 NOVEL RNA SIGNATURE IDENTIFIES PROSTATE CANCER CHARACTERISTICS FOR PERSONALIZED TREATMENT DECISIONSIn a recent paper published in Cancer, investigators led by Edward M. Schaeffer, MD, PhD, of Northwestern Medicine Urology, developed a novel RNA signature using data from over 100,000 prostate tumors — the largest data set of its kind — to differentiate prostate cancer based on biological features.
The signature identified four subtypes of prostate cancer: luminal differentiated, luminal proliferating, basal immune and basal neuroendocrine. Each subtype had distinct biological and clinical features, such as androgen receptor activity, cell proliferation genes, immune infiltration and neuroendocrine expression patterns. The signature can inform patients and physicians on tumor aggressiveness and susceptibilities to treatments to help personalize cancer management. Read more about the classifier > |
Edward M. Schaeffer, MD, PhD, chair and the
Harold Binstein Professor of Urology at Northwestern Medicine. Refer a PatientNorthwestern Medicine welcomes the opportunity to partner with you in caring for your patients.