June 2023 ROBERT S. FEDER, MD, RECEIVES MECKLENBURG DISTINGUISHED PHYSICIAN AWARDCongratulations to Northwestern Medicine Ophthalmologist Robert S. Feder, MD, on receiving the 2023 Gary A. Mecklenburg Distinguished Physician Award. As one of the hospital’s most prestigious awards, the Mecklenburg Award is presented annually to a Northwestern Medicine physician, nominated by their peers, who embodies professionalism and humanism and who demonstrates a strong commitment to enriching the lives of others through research, teaching, patient care or community outreach.
One of Dr. Feder’s nominators wrote, “Dr. Feder embodies the spirit of this prestigious award based on his professionalism and humanism, and the strong commitment that he has made to his patients and colleagues over the past four decades through his outstanding teaching, patient care, and administrative work here at Northwestern Medicine ... He is a highly caring, humanistic and engaging physician whose patients and colleagues turn to for advice and treatment [and thus] embodies the legacy of Dr. Mecklenburg and all he contributed to leading NMH into its prime position as one of our nation’s greatest hospitals.” Congratulations, Dr. Feder! |
Robert S. Feder, MD, is the director of Cornea Service in the Department of Ophthalmology and professor of Ophthalmology at Northwestern Medicine.
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