February 2023 ROBOTIC PROSTATE CANCER SURGERY OFFERED AT NORTHWESTERN MEDICINE KISHWAUKEE HOSPITALFor patients with prostate cancer who require a prostatectomy, Northwestern Medicine Kishwaukee Hospital now offers robotic surgery. Compared to traditional open procedures that require large incisions, the da Vinci® Si robotic surgery system uses a few small incisions.
Sitting at a console next to the patient, the surgeon operates tiny instruments, such as scissors, forceps and needle drivers, positioned on the robot’s arms. Hand movements are translated by the da Vinci system in real time, bending and rotating the instruments while performing the procedure. They also control a camera for viewing the surgical area in magnified, high-definition 3D. “The robotic system translates hand movements into a much smaller scale, and bends and rotates far greater than the human hand, offering more precision, flexibility and control,” says Ricardo Soares, MD, FEBU, urologic oncology specialist at Northwestern Medicine. “Patients experience less blood loss, reduced pain and a shorter stay in the hospital.” Precision surgery is less likely to damage the delicate nerves around the prostate that control sexual function and help with continence. In addition to prostatectomy, Dr. Soares will use the robot for nephrectomy/partial nephrectomy and benign diseases of kidney, ureter, bladder and prostate. |
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