November 2024 THE UTILITY OF CGM IN TYPE 2 DIABETESIn this 3-part Cardiometabolic Beat podcast series, CMHC Co-chair Anne Peters, MD, Professor of Medicine at the University of Southern California, moderates discussions with Grazia Aleppo, MD, Professor of Endocrinology at Northwestern Medicine, and Irl Hirsch, MD, Professor of Medicine at the University of Washington. The focus of these discussions is on the usefulness of continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) in patients with type 2 diabetes. Dr. Aleppo and Dr. Hirsch provide valuable insights into the rationale and supporting data for the use of CGM in this context, as well as guidelines for patient selection and the practical implementation of CGM in patient care.
Dr. Aleppo presented on a similar topic, “CGM In People Without Diabetes and CVD Risk” at the 2024 Cardiometabolic Health Congress on October 18th. |
Grazia Aleppo, MD, is a professor of Medicine in the Division of Endocrinology, director of the Northwestern Medicine Diabetes Training and Education Program and an expert in diabetes research and clinical care.
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